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Sony World Photography Awards 2022

World Photography Organisation mission is to support photographers around the world, to celebrate and show their work, as well as nurture the medium of photography on a global scale. 

The SONY WORLD PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS 2022 accepts entries in the following competitions:

Professional competition:

Free to enter, Open to anyone submitting a series of 5 to 10 images per category. Deadline is January 14, 2022 at 13.00 GMT

Open competition:

Free to enter, Open to anyone submitting single images taken in 2021, 10 diverse categories to enter Awards for category winners plus up to 15 shortlisted photographers per category. Deadline is January 7, 2022 at 13.00 GMT

Youth competition:

Free to enter, Open to all 12-19 year-olds submitting single images taken in 2021 Monthly competitions with a changing theme running from 1 June to 31 December, 2021 Photographers can enter up to three images per month.

Student competition: 

Free to enter,  Anyone aged from 18 to 30 years-old undertaking a full-time photography programme.  Deadline is 30 November, 2021 at 13.00 GMT


Sony photo rewards are 30,000 USD in cash prizes, Sony digital imaging equipment, Certificate, Trophy, Global press exposure, Inclusion in exhibition, Inclusion in book, Promoted on WPO's website, Promoted to WPO's online community.

You can find more information's on competition link bellow.

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