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Each graphic design style can be identifiable based on certain graphic elements or components.

Graphic Design offers a unique set of services that makes this domain more popular every year. There are lots of things changed during the pandemic. Let’s have little reminder of graphic design styles.

Visual Identity Graphic Design.

Visual identity integrates your logo, a logo is a visual representation of your brand, images, typography, shapes and colors. All these key visual elements communicate to your customers who you are, what are your goals, what you stand for, and why they should do long-term business with you.

Image: Design-Stage

Marketing & Advertising Graphic Design.

Marketing and advertising graphic design is about creating full - scale of advertising design concepts for the products or services.

With outstanding graphic design in your marketing and advertising strategy,
you'll spread your brand visibility. Graphic design is an excellent way to communicate your business to your target audience. 

Certain tasks of graphic designers in advertising involve creating promotional
exhibitions, packaging and advertising flyers or brochures for products or services, also designing logos for products and companies.

Image: Design-Stage

User Interface Graphic Design.

A user interface designer is responsible for creating the look of a products, website or web app. 

The purpose of user interface design is to make the user's interaction simple and well organized.

Image: Design-Stage

Publication Graphic Design.

Publication graphic design is typically focused on publishing books, catalogs, comics, magazines and newspapers. Graphic designers work on designs and layouts, cover and graphics that are appropriate for the content they represent and convey the story of publication.

Image: Design-Stage

Packaging Graphic Design. 

Packaging graphic design refers to the creation of the look of a product. That includes selections of material, form, structure of the product as well as information with design elements, graphics, patterns, colors, fonts that are used on a box, a can, or bottle. 

All these design elements makes the product suitable for marketing. Packaging graphic design is the first visual and touch impression your customer has with your product or your brand.

Image: Design-Stage

Motion Graphic Design.

Motion graphic design is a discipline that relates graphic design principles to
filmmaking and video production or other visual media through use of animation, film techniques and visual effects.

Motion graphic videos and animations can present your services or products  in a memorable and extraordinary way.

DB-Animation- Blender

Environmental Graphic Design.

Environmental Graphic Design contains numerous design disciplines including graphic, interior, landscape, industrial design and others. All of those disciplines have purpose of way-finding, communication and information. Environmental Graphic Design creates experiences that connect people to place.

Image: Design Stage

Art & Illustration for Graphic Design.

Illustration is when you put all of those elements into one image to convey a story also known as a narrative illustration.

Types of art and illustration for graphic design that you can find are children books, illustrations, comic illustrations, editorial illustrations, fashion illustrations and much more.

Graphic illustrations help companies to express ideas visually, to inform the public, and sell products. We've seen graphic illustrations everywhere: books, magazines, signs, symbols, fabrics, ads, packaging, posters, websites and web apps.

Image: Design Stage

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